Sample Layout for Task 3 and 4 : Database Search

Search Result
ID Postcode Area Post Office State Code State Name Outskirt Country

Description for Task 3

You are required to modify the HTML codes above by using the framework predefined custom HTML tag.

  • There are 3 main element in this task, a textbox, a button and a table.
  • User are required to insert posrcode into textbox and press "Submit" button to search for result.
  • All entries returned will be shown on the table using Javascript.
  • You are required to use AJAX and HTML formto complete this task.

Description for Task 4

You are required to modify the HTML codes above by using the framework predefined custom HTML tag.

  • There are 3 main element in this task, a textbox, a button and a table.
  • User are required to insert posrcode into textbox and press "Submit" button to search for result.
  • All entries returned will be shown on the table using "loop" tag.
  • You are required to use PHP and HTML form to complete this task.