Documentation - Control Handler

What is Controller Handler?

Handler is used by controller to call different output of AC, CP and PG. When user access the webpage created using SELL Framework, the controller will first receive the request and direct the request to the corresponding handler. The handler will then pass the request to Output. Output will call either Control or directly through model without control. If the output directly calls model, the model will process the data and execute sql queries to retrieve data. The data retrieved will then be sent back to Output from Model. In this case, Ajax data(AC) is returned as a result to the user. On the other hand, if the output calls Control, control will call model and its function. Model will then execute sql queries to retrieve data from database and send them back to Control via Model. Control will then bind the function called in model with view and returned to output. The Output will then display the output in the form of Page(PG) or in Ajax Component(CP) according to theme and the parameters returned from Control.

AC Handler Flow

AC Handler Flow

CP Handler Flow

CP Handler Flow

PG Handler Flow

PG Handler Flow