Example - View

Variable Tag

According to Figure below, a [:greet:] tag is predefined in View.

greet tag in view

According to figure below, “Hello World!” is assigned to $data->greet.

Data assignment in Model

Figure below shows the output of [:greet:] tag after assigned with “Hello World!”.

Hello World output

Stage Tag

Figure below shows the Stage tag without any data assignment from Model.

Output of Stage tag without data assignment in View

Figure below shows the coding of Stage tag, with 3 different subtag “string1”, “string2” and “string3”.

Stage tag source code in View

Figure below shows value of subtag of Stage tag from View is pushed into $desc using array_push();. Next, $data->xxx->setStage = $desc; is the data to be returned to View. “xxx” must match the argument stage tag in View. In this scenario, “xxx” is value. Therefore, $data->value->setStage = $desc;.

Data assignment of Stage tag in Model

Table below shows the value of array $list.

Array Index Array Value

Figure below shows the output of Stage Tag with the data returned from Model. According to Figure below, subtag are pushed into array in order of “string1”, “string2”, “string3”, “string2” and “string2”. Therefore, The output of Stage tag is followed with the order of subtag pushed into array $desc.

Output of Stage tag

Loop Tag

Figure below shows that the [:id:] tag to be looped using the loop tag.

Loop tag without data assignment in View

Figure below shows the source code of Loop tag.

Loop tag source code

In Figure below, object array with “id” is pushed into $list using array_push();. Next, $data->xxx = $list; is the data to be returned to View. “xxx” must match the argument of Loop tag in View. In this scenario, “xxx” is list. Therefore, $data->list = $list;.

Data Assignment of Loop tag in Model

As shown in Figure below, value of “id” as “1”, “2” and “3” are pushed into $list with array_push();. According to Figure above, the “id” inside $data->list pass to View will match with [:id:] in view and the Loop tag is defined to loop through the object array passed to View and retrieve the value of “id” to [:id:] tag. Therefore, when coding loop tag, you must be careful with the tag to be shown. The tag must be match with the key in object array to retrieve the data.

Output of Loop tag

According to Table below, $list contain an object array in it. As shown in table below, stdClass Object is an object array. “id” is the key of the object array. 1,2 and 3 are the values of “id” in different array indices.

Array IndexArray Value
0stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 )
1stdClass Object ( [id] => 2 )
2stdClass Object ( [id] => 3 )

The table below shows in depth analysis of array $list

ArrayArray AttributeArray Attribute Value